LTE Future Threats Analyses Deutsche Telekom AG

Deutsche Telekom AG is a German telecommunications company head-quartered in Bonn. Deutsche Telekom was formed in 1996 as the former state-owned monopoly Deutsche Bundespost was privatized.

We created analyses of future threats in LTE network, including route cause analyses of massive outages in big mobile network, fishbone analyses of mobile core network congestion collapse, analyses of objective deficiency of Diameter Base protocol and LTE design for DTAG Security Competency Center.

Our analyses and assessment proposed 15 non-CAPEX and 5 CAPEX fundamental changes in T-MOBILE LTE network architecture and configuration to reduce an amount of a signalling transactions, improvement protection of network, mitigation strategy of eventual attacks and avoidances of congestion collapses in non-standard operational scenarios.


Review of Network Design
Research and Analyses of 3GPP Recommendation for LTE
Detection of Objective Deficiency in Design of Diameter Base Protocol
Analyses of Major Outages of Mobile Networks around the World
Analyses of Signalling Transaction in LTE Network
Assessment Documentation with Recommendation for Improvement
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